Cortical Reorganization in Macular Degeneration |
This is a collaborative project with Professor Nancy Kanwisher at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT. Using advanced brain imaging techniques (functional MRI fMRI) and state of the art retinal mapping techniques, we are studying which parts of the brain process visual signals in people with Macular Degeneration as compared to people with normal vision. We have discovered the first evidence that brain reorganization occurs in people suffering from the progressive visual disorder Macular Degeneration.
National Eye Institute Grants EY13455 (N.G.K.) and EY12890 (E.P.)
National Science Foundation Catalyst Grant SBE-0350356 (N.G.K. and E.P.)
Chris Baker, Ph.D.
Danny Dilks, Ph.D.
Dilks DD, Julian JB, Peli E, Kanwisher N. (2013) Reorganization of visual processing in macular degeneration depends on foveal loss Optometry and Vision Science, 91(9):199-206. [PDF 435KB]
Dilks DD, Baker CI, Peli E, Kanwisher N. (2009) Reorganization of visual processing in macular degeneration is not specific to the "preferred retinal locus". Journal of Neuroscience 29(9):2768-2773 [PDF 4.12 MB]
Baker CI, Dilks DD, Peli E, Kanwisher, N. (2008) Reorganization of visual processing in macular degeneration: Replication and clues about the role of foveal loss. Vision Research 48(2008): 1910-1919 [PDF 906 KB]
Baker CI, Peli E, Knouf N, Kanwisher N. (2005) Reorganization of visual processing in macular degeneration. Journal of Neuroscience. 25(3): 614-618 [PDF 2.2 MB]
The supplementary information is included at the end of the PDF file.
Nugent AK, Keswani RN, Woods RL, Peli E. (2003) Contour integration in peripheral vision reduces gradually with eccentricity. Vision Research. 43: 2427-2437. [PDF 472 KB]